Pictures Of Termite Damage Vs Water Damage
The main difference between Termite Damage and Water Damage is that Termite Damage occurs underneath the surface of a material. Whereas water damage typically appears on the visible surfaces. Please skip below to see Pictures Of Termite Damage VS Water Damage. Termites are often confused with ants because they share many similar traits. They are both social insects who live in colonies, they both have similar body structures. They sometimes even create their nests underground. Ants, however, can be easily identified by their narrow waistline. Termites have wide waists that are almost as thick as their heads or thoraxes. Termite infestations can cause significant structural damage to homes and other buildings. Thorough inspections are recommended to determine whether termite infestation is present before beginning any type of renovation project.
Pictures Of Termite Damage
Termite damage is the most common type of wood-damaging insect infestation. The termite workers continually expand their nests by creating small tunnels through which they travel to find more food. Termite Damage is typically more difficult to identify than water damage. Because Termite Workers only consume the wood directly around them, leaving a halo-shaped pattern of destruction behind them as they move through an area. However, Termite Damage can usually be identified by the presence of piles of termite droppings or fecal pellets that are found in areas where termites are active. Termite workers eat cellulose or wood to survive. They can also digest starch, fats, and oils. Termite Workers cause the most damage to wooden structures because they burrow tunnels throughout the material in which they are eating.
What Does Termite Damage Look Like?
Most Termite Damage can be repaired fairly quickly and inexpensively. Termite damage is often confused with water damage because both types of problems cause similar symptoms. Such as warping or staining in wooden buildings. Termite workers will leave piles of wood dust near the entrance to their nests, while mold spores are never found around water damage – this makes it easier to distinguish between the two issues. More Pictures of Termite Damage Can Be Found Here.
Pictures Of Water Damage
Water Damage on the other hand has a very distinct appearance. This water will cause warping in the wood and create discoloration in the form of rings (watermarks) or patches (mold). Water damage is typically more severe than Termite Damage because it creates the ideal conditions for mold to grow.
When water gets into your home, it can find its way into all sorts of places that water isn’t meant to go. It can sneak in through cracks in concrete foundation walls, around poorly sealed windows and doors, or where utility lines come into the house. Without knowing what water looks like once it has entered your house, you might think that the only possible source is a leaking pipe or appliance. But water doesn’t always look like water once it has entered an area where it’s not supposed to be.
What Does Water Damage Look Like?
A water leak can cause mold to grow behind the drywall, warp wood in your home, or even rust away metal. Water damage can come from more than just water. It can also be caused by ice dams, which are ridges of ice that form on the roof of a house when water freezes and creates an ice dam at the edge of the roof and prevents water from draining off properly. There is typically water seeping in around skylights, vents, and other places in roofs. Look for water stains or warped boards in these areas if you suspect there’s an ice dam problem. More Pictures of Water Damage can be found here.
In Closing,
Water can damage your property in several different ways, all without leaving watermarks on the walls. Thank you for checking out our article on pictures of termite damage vs water damage. If you have any questions about Termite damage, Water Damage, Dry Rot Damage, Wood Decay & Mold Damage please feel free to leave comments below or give us a call.